Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Leader in the Field Essay

On October 7 I interviewed Steven P. Metheny, a Commercial, Real Estate, and Business Transaction and Litigation Attorney, in downtown Oklahoma City.  Like many, this is an unfamiliar type of law, so I asked him to further explain his practiced.  Metheny narrowed his job into two broad components: commercial real estate and transactions.  He represents sellers and buyers as well as developers of income producing real estate, such as apartment complexes, warehouses, grocery stores, privately held for profit businesses.  The second component is litigation, which is when he represents his clients in court, stemming from the first component.  Metheny will also defend clients who have been sued, settle contract disputes, and sort eminent domain cases.  Recently he has been working on a large construction Defix case. 
I then took the conversation deeper and asked Metheny how his practice contributes to the betterment of society.  He responded, “It is important to society.  Real estate has always been the foremost evidence of wealth accumulation.  When investors are constructing, buying, selling, it lends itself to the growth of economy.”  Real estate provides places for people to live, shop, communicate, entertain, and so much more.  It also employs construction workers, real estate agents, technicians, architects, and even attorneys like Metheny himself.  Everything is all connected and dependent on each other.
The interview began to take a personal turn when I asked Metheny why he chose Commercial, Real Estate, and Business Transaction and Litigation Law.  He replied that the interest sparked in high school when his grandfather, who was a real estate broker, passed away.  They had a very deep relationship, which gave Metheny a connection to the work he does today.  He also had a close friend and teacher who was in law school.  He became a practicing attorney and had considerable influence of Metheny.  He concluded his answer with, “it was the door that was open.”
As a student looking into law, there are many paths I could choose.  I asked Metheny what other areas of law he recommends.  He stated that, “there are lot of areas of law that can be personally fulfilling allowing attorneys to contribute to people and society.”  Environmental law is a growing area with 70% of lawsuits in the Federal Court pertaining to employment law.  There is a need for lawyers to assist with employment issues and making sure fair wages, hours, and benefits are met.   Paten Law, otherwise known as Intellectual Property Law is another specialty law.  The number of paten products is increasing annually, so IP lawyers are needed.  The proliferation of trademark and trade name litigation across the country has been has also contributed to the need for this profession. 
One of the reason I am hesitant to enter the law field is the incredibly high competition among recent graduates due to the lack of job opportunities.  So I asked Metheny, a very experienced lawyer, if he had any advice for college students who are thinking about entering law.  He advised, “Make sure you are motivated in that direction.  Law has a high attrition rate.  Apply yourself to it and don’t approach it the same as other schooling, because the more you put into it, the more you get out it.”  He also recommended getting experience in law during periods when not in school.  Law school does not teach how to practice law, rather teaches how t apply a set of legal principles.  Lastly, he suggested taking a wide range of classes while in law school and do not make decision too early about a certain practice.  There are many areas of law that a student can go into, so one must keep his or her mind open!
But before I can think about law school, I must worry about being accepted.  I asked Metheny what his best advice was for getting into graduate school.   He said that reference letters and the LSAT are key.  A good LSAT score will make or break the difference between just getting into a school and receiving benefits, such as scholarships, relationships with the faculty, and graduating with honors. 
To conclude the interview session, I tied law into leadership.  Many leaders in our country have law degrees, but I asked Metheny his thoughts on how lawyers lead in everyday life.  Attorneys become spokesmen for people who often cannot speak for themselves.  They have high ethical and moral obligations when it comes to advancing rights and truth to maintain justice within society.  Leaders must have integrity.  “There is no substitute for high integrity among everyone, especially lawyers.  You assume judiciary responsibility for clients and have an obligation to do their very best job.”  I greatly enjoyed talking to Metheny, and our discussion made me excited for the future.  Hopefully I can be an attorney as well someday!

Further Reading:

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