Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Letter from OU

Dear seniors,
Hello it's Carla Clark! I hope senior year is treating you well.  I can easily say that senior year was the hardest year of my life.  There are so many decisions ahead of you with so many things due, it's all so stressful and overwhelming!
Here is some surface level advice.  Do not wait until the last minute to turn in your college applications.  I was turning mine in on October 31st before the November 1st deadline, and it did not turn out well.  Also, make sure to continue to challenge yourself.  I got out of a ton of classes in college through AP credits from my senior year, and it was well worth it.   Trust me, I had "senioritis" but it pays off.  Do everything in your power to build a relationship with every person in your grade, because in a few months you may never see them again.  And at McGuinness you're surrounded by such awesome people, so take advantage of it!
And on a deeper note, this is something I wish someone would have told me my senior year: it'll be okay! I was stressed all the time making sure my resume was perfect and being the over-achiever I was.  Guess what? NONE OF IT MATTERS NOW! Yes, grades are important, but being the most popular, most athletic, most involved does not really matter in college, so please do not stress to much about it.   Enjoy the experience and some of your last memories with your friends.  I grew so close to my best friends senior year, and it truly is a special time.  Have a great rest of high school!

Carla Clark

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