Thursday, September 10, 2015

U-Zoo Review

Hello my name is Carla Clark, and I am from Oklahoma City.  I love Jesus, running, and people.  That's about all I need right there.  I took the U-Zoo Review as a junior at the High School Leadership Conference at the University of Oklahoma.  There, I scored 33 for the eagle characteristics.  This was my favorite activity of the entire conference because it changed the way I looked at myself and others.  I instantly began picking out details of people and figuring out what animal they would be (how eagle of me, right?).   But I have changed a lot since junior year, so my U-Zoo is slightly different.  My highest animal was still an eagle, but I only scored a 31, and my porpoise was much higher scoring at a 30 this time (the poor lion in me is still small as ever).  Although as KP read the description of each animal, I felt that I identified with the porpoise more.  In everyday life, I lead by talking to others and making people feel good about themselves.  I have never met a stranger, and when I do meet someone I do not know, it gives me a thrill.  Yet, my inner eagle helps me with my people skills.  I am very good at remembering details of people's lives, and it makes for great conversation and connections.  The inner eagle in me desires completion and perfections, so I strive to make every relationship as intimate and personal as possible.  I hope to work with new people when I am older, for that brings me the most joy.  

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